In order to achieve this, a static interface is provided on the processing module, and when the interface is defined, it can still be replaced on the installed device. It is time consuming to do this on some modules, especially on large and heavy components, such as B-axis modules, mainly because of the limited workspace. When replacing parts, some parts must have special openings for easy transport.

With the aid of the interface, the processing module is pre-adjusted at the equipment manufacturer, which can reduce the on-site exchange workload and speed up the work. The fixture system and automation part of the workpiece can also be replaced via the interface. This makes it possible to achieve quick and easy reconfigurability in two working areas of two different workpieces. To ensure the desired rigidity, each module has a corresponding number of interfaces.

Grinding replaces milling and turning

Another case is the extremely simple reconfigurability of the XG series: changing the hard milling and turning process to grinding. By replacing the milling shaft with a grinding shaft with a speed of 60 000 r/min and replacing the turning tool holder with a grinding shaft with a speed of 30 000 r/min. Since a standardized interface is used from the connecting element to the plug, this measure does not require a large amount of work. In addition, the module can be attached to the rack of the device via a standard interface (Figure 5).

Figure 5 From the geometric connection of the components to the plug, the equipment is equipped with standard components. In addition, it is possible to interchange, for example, a turning axis module with a milling axis module.

This is very important if the replacement process has a large impact on the equipment, as is the case from hard milling and hard turning to soft machining. At this time, the milling axes for roughing and finishing can be used on the equipment. With the modular solution, the replacement of the components is very simple. Since both modules use the same interface, the module can be removed from the device by loosening the tensioning device. The milling module can be positioned substantially and then fixed in the correct position by the clamping force of the interface. In this way, the exchange process can be greatly shortened.

Smaller procurement costs and better economic benefits

Reconfigurable manufacturing is an ideal way to increase the economics of your machine and extend the life of your machine. New interface technologies can also be integrated into devices quickly and easily.

In terms of economics, a study was conducted comparing a conventional device with a reconfigurable device of the same model: during the 15-year use, a total of three reconfigurable manufacturing operations were performed ( From the change of milling process to the grinding process, the removal or installation of different machining axes), the economics of the new equipment solution proved to be more than 20%. The advantage is obvious because the equipment has a long service life and therefore does not require a lot of purchase capital.

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