Magnitude is a measure of the magnitude of the earthquake itself. At present, there are four basic magnitude scales: local magnitude ML, body wave magnitude (mb and mB), surface wave magnitude MS and moment magnitude MW. Silicon Manganese Alloy (High Silicon) The Silicon Manganese Alloy,The Silicon Manganese Alloy Product,Ferro Silico Manganese,Silicon Manganese Alloy Product NINGXIA HELANSHAN METALLURGY CO., LTD. ,
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The first three magnitudes are an amount that measures the relative magnitude of a seismic event by measuring the amplitude of a certain frequency seismic wave in a seismic wave. ML measures the magnitude of an earthquake with the amplitude of an S-wave (or Lg) of about 1 second. mb measures the magnitude of an earthquake with a body-wave amplitude of about 1 second. mB uses the amplitude of a seismic body-wave from about 5 seconds. To measure the size of an earthquake, MS measures the magnitude of an earthquake using surface wave amplitudes of about 20 seconds from shallow earthquakes.
The moment magnitude MW is the magnitude calculated from the basic physical parameters and describes the magnitude of the slip on the rupture surface. It is generally calculated by the waveform inversion method.