After the preparation of the pre-treatment on the aluminum plating is completed, it is possible to enter the plating process on the aluminum.

No matter which kind of pretreatment method is used, the first step to enter the electroplating after the pretreatment is flash copper plating.

(1) Flash copper

The plating solution that is now suitable for flash copper plating is mainly cyanide copper plating.

After flash copper plating is completed, it must be thoroughly cleaned and activated. Activated with 1% to 3% sulfuric acid solution. If the subsequent electroplating is acid copper plating or nickel plating, it can be directly slotted after being activated without water washing. plating. If it is plating other alkaline plating solution, especially cyanide plating solution, it must be washed after two times before plating.

(2) Middle plating

After the flash copper plating, the intermediate plating must be plated according to the product design or process requirements. In fact, the middle plating layer can also be said to be the bottom plating layer. The flash copper plating is just a technical plating layer to ensure the dispersion ability and binding force. In order to meet the requirements of the product for plating, the intermediate plating must be selected according to the final plating on the surface. For example, copper plating, dark nickel plating, or other plating or process that can be used as an intermediate or bottom plating. If the surface plating is silver plating, it is necessary to appropriately thicken the plating after flash copper plating, such as acid bright copper plating, and must be flashed with silver (or electroless silver plating) before entering the final coating of the surface. Plating. In the general process described in this chapter, copper, nickel, and other processes can be used as intermediate coatings on aluminum plating.

(3) Surface coating

The surface coating is also a target coating required for electroplating on aluminum and can be a decorative plating or a functional plating. For electroplating, most of the electroplating on aluminum is a functional coating, and a few exterior parts have both functional and decorative effects. Pure decorative plating is limited to handles, knobs, signs, etc. on the frame.

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