A few days ago, the 1550mm aluminum strip cold rolling mill designed and supplied by China Color Science and Technology for Taiwan Taihui Aluminum Co., Ltd., under the joint efforts of both parties, the formal test run was successful. All the indicators met the contract requirements and passed the test successfully. Accepted and delivered for use.

It is reported that the 1150mm cold rolling mill of Taiwan Hui Aluminum Co., Ltd. is the first high-speed aluminum strip cold rolling mill sold in the overseas market by China National Science and Technology Corporation. Its smooth operation marks the development of the Chinese color technology equipment development business in overseas markets. A solid step was taken and valuable experience accumulated. It also laid a good foundation for the successful implementation of China Overseas Technology's overseas strategy.

Energy And Power

Energy And Power Field

In the field of energy power, the improvement of efficiency and the extension of life span have very demanding requirements on material performance and structural design. Silicon carbide ceramic materials outperform most metallic materials in terms of specific stiffness, thermal shock resistance, friction and wear resistance, and thermal conductivity, but they are difficult to machine and cannot be used on a large scale.

FLK has achieved a breakthrough in the manufacturing technology of integrated complex components made of silicon carbide ceramics by using additive manufacturing technology.
High strength, high rigidity, high stiffness, light weight: density 280-3.05g/cm, low energy consumption, good thermal shock resistance, low coefficient of thermal expansion, compared to metal parts, 3D printed silicon carbide ceramic parts can extend their service life by more than one time, reduce energy consumption, and meet extreme working conditions.

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Ningbo FLK Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.flk-global.com

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