US media said that the US-based Sky Cooling Systems, based in California, is in the early stages of manufacturing a cooling system. This cooling system is more energy efficient than any cooling system that humans have used in a century. The company uses the concept of radiant cooling. This concept was used in the Middle East and India hundreds of years ago. According to a report by the US Quartz Finance website on August 5th, as the world faces an ever-expanding crisis of climate warming, such inventions may become the culprits. The current climate warming crisis is driven by various emissions caused by human activities. According to data from the US Environmental Protection Agency, globally, approximately 12% of non-CO2 emissions are caused by refrigeration equipment and air conditioning. The report said that to understand the working principle of radiant cooling, temporarily forget the sun and think about the night sky. The night sky is very cold. At night, the heat released by the heat-dissipating objects upward is more than the heat that the entire sky sends back to the ground. Hundreds of years ago-long before the advent of refrigeration equipment, Indians and Iranians used this basic concept to make ice cubes at temperatures above freezing. They poured water into a large, shallow ceramic tank. Hay is wrapped around the tank to insulate. Then they placed these tanks outdoors under a clear night sky. This sounds counter-intuitive. But if the temperature of the air is only a little higher than the freezing point, the heat released by the water will make the water temperature lower than the temperature of the surrounding air, thus making it freeze. If you see a layer of frost or dew when you wake up in the summer morning, the same principle works. Today, researchers at Sky Cooling Systems are applying this principle to modern times. They use it to reimagine how we cool our homes, data centers, and refrigerators. While working at Stanford University, the three founders of Sky Cooling Systems—Fan Shanxuan, Elli Goldstein, and Asworth Raman—created a material that helped drive the radiant cooling process . The surface of this material will absorb, radiate and reflect heat in a proper balance. Reports say their inventions look a lot like solar panels. A flat metal panel is covered with a layer of high-tech film-this is the material invented by three people. This material effectively reflects the sun's light and heat, so that the temperature under the film can be 5 to 10 degrees Celsius lower than the surrounding air temperature. A set of piping that meanders around the metal panel under the film is exposed to colder temperatures, thereby cooling the liquid in the tube. Although Sky Cooling System believes that its technology working side by side with the current refrigeration system will make the refrigeration system more efficient, but researchers at the University of Buffalo believe that an independent radiant refrigeration system that does not use electricity may appear in the future. The new research conducted by researchers at the university was published in the British journal Nature and Sustainable Development. Phillips Bugle Head Screw,Phillips Flat Bugle Head Screw,Bugle Head Cross Recessed Drywall Screw,Phillips Hex Head Self Drilling Screw Handan Jiankun Hardware Products Co., Ltd / Handan best import and export trade co., Ltd ,