1. Select seedlings to reduce the number and opportunities of pests and diseases in greenhouse vegetables, so as to reduce the use of pesticides and reduce pollution. First, we must use seedlings that have undergone strict quarantine to prevent the spread of harmful pests and diseases. Secondly, more resistant varieties and resistant varieties are used. Again, the seeds should be soaked in warm soup before seedlings to prevent pests and diseases from passing through the seeds into the greenhouse.
2. Soil treatment At present, one of the most economical, effective and convenient methods is to use the high temperature of the greenhouse to disinfect the soil: every August, when the greenhouse is idle, every 667 square meters of greenhouse can be applied with 1500 kg of broken straw, calcium 30 ~ 60 kg (soil ph < 6.5) or ammonium sulphate 30 ~ 60 kg (ph ≥ 6.5), then the soil is turned deep, and then into a width of 60 ~ 70 cm, 30 cm high earth. The abandoned shed film is placed on the earth and water is poured into the ditch between the earth until it is soaked in the earth. Sealing the greenhouse for more than 7 days can effectively kill various pests and diseases in the soil.
3. Post-emergence control (1) Physical control technology, such as shed vegetable electronic pest control instrument, the instrument uses the combination of microwave and ozone to kill insects, can quickly kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, pests on vegetables, the effect is very significant.
(2) Using bio-pesticide bt emulsion to control lepidopteran larvae; avermectin pesticides to control mites, spotted fly, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, etc.; release Lily wasp to control greenhouse whitefly; release seven-spot ladybug Control aphids and so on.
(3) Use natural pesticide 1 pepper (the more spicy the better) 0.5 kg, add 50 kg of water for 15 minutes, then go to the slag, add 0.1 kg of ordinary washing powder to the extract, mix well with 50 kg of water, beans Use with caution on melons.
2 Add a small amount of water to the fresh loofah, smash it, remove the residue, add the water to the mother liquor at a ratio of 7:23, then add a small amount of soapy liquid, stir and spray, and use melons and beans carefully.
3 other prevention methods such as ecological control, agricultural control, etc.
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