The winter temperature is low, and the activities and hazards of pests and diseases are mostly in a hidden and static state. The pesticide network should pay special attention to the following points when controlling vegetable pests and diseases: Bestware Touch Free Faucet brings the fine design and high technology together in all areas of the product process beyond Pull Out Faucet , Commercial Faucet and Commercial Kitchen Faucet. With extensive range of components, we can offer a large selection of both standard Pre-rinse Faucet and custom Basin Tap units as well as flexible combination. Stainless steel is 100% recyclable and is comprised of over 60% recycled material, Bestware faucets are the perfect solution in the commercial and industry for better water quality and the circumvention of the development of deleterious substances and bacteria. No plating, no oxidizing, no rust, lead free. Touch Free Faucet,Pre Rinse Faucet,Pull Out Kitchen Faucet,Pull Out Tap Bestware Hardware Production Co., Ltd. ,
1. Reasonably select pesticides suitable for winter application. In general, stomach poisons and contact agents are less affected by temperature, and systemic and fumigants are more affected by temperature. Low temperature such as enemy killing and dichlorvos will obviously affect the insecticidal effect, while pesticides such as deltamethrin, phoxim and sulphur mixture can still exert better insecticidal effects when applied at lower temperature. Therefore, in the winter to control pests and diseases, we must pay attention to the use of pesticides that are less affected by temperature.
2. Choose the medicine for sunny days and high temperature. Because when the temperature is high in winter, the range of activity and respiratory intensity of the pests increases, the amount of food intake increases, and the liquid is sprayed onto the worms, and the drugs are brought into the body, which is beneficial to the poisoning effect.
3. Appropriate increase in dose. The pesticide lethal dose of pests is not constant. The lower the temperature at normal temperature, the lower the lethal dose of pests. Therefore, the appropriate dose increase in winter can prevent the insects from dying. However, it must not exceed the "safe high concentration" (ie, the maximum allowable dose of no phytotoxicity). When applying pesticides in winter, water should be added strictly according to the dilution factor. Do not increase or decrease the amount of water.
4. Improve the application method. In winter, the crop pests and diseases should be applied by smoke method or dust method. If spray application is used, the number of prevention and discharge and the amount of liquid spray should be appropriately reduced to prevent excessive humidity in the shed.
5. Properly extend the security interval. In winter, the degradation rate of bio-pesticide is slower, and the pesticide remains in the crop for a relatively long time. When controlling pests and diseases of vegetable crops, it is necessary to appropriately extend the number of days (ie, the safety interval) of the last application of the crop to ensure the safety of food. .