First, the early stage of powdery mildew disease with 45% chlorothalonil smoke remover, 250-300 grams per 667 square meters in the shed 4-5, ignited closed shed smoked 1 night, the next morning ventilation, 7 days smoked 1 time According to the condition, the smoke is continuously smoked 3-4 times; in the early stage of the disease, 20% of the rusting emulsifiable concentrate 2000 times solution, or 40% of the sulfur suspension agent 600 times solution, or 50% of the sulphur suspension 200 times solution, or the "Nongkang 120" 200 times solution Spray; use 27% high-fat film emulsion 70-140 times liquid, spray on the leaves at the beginning of the disease, spray once every 7-14 days, even spray 3-4 times.
Second, gray mold disease smoked with powdery mildew. It can also spray 1kg of 6.55% GM powder per 667 square meters, spray once every 7 days, and spray 2 times; spray 40% Shijiale Suspension 1200 times solution or 65% methicillin WP at the beginning of the disease 1000-1500 times liquid, or 70% methyl thiophanate wet powder 800 times liquid. Spray once every 7 days and spray continuously for 2-3 times. Pharmacy rotation is used.
Third, downy mildew smoking method with powdery mildew. It can also be sprayed with 5% chlorothalonil dust per kilogram of 667 square meters, sprayed once every 7 days, and even sprayed 2-3 times; 70% ethylphosphorus manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times solution is found after the central disease plant is found. Or 72.2% Plex aqueous solution 800 times solution, or 40% ethyl phosphorus aluminum wettable powder 200 times solution, or 64% anti-virus 矾 400 times liquid spray, 7-10 days spray 1 time, according to the development of the disease to determine the number of medications. It is also possible to use a sugar nitrogen liquid, that is, brown sugar or white sugar 1% + 0.5% urea + 1% vinegar + 0.2% ethyl aluminum phosphate, and spray the leaf surface once every 7 days.
4. Aphid use 10% imidacloprid wettable powder for 5-10g per 667 square meters, or spray with 2.5% deltamethrin emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1500 times. When spraying, pay attention to even spraying on the back of the leaf; Kill the smoke agent, 400-500 grams per 667 square meters, divide 4 piles, ignite with dark fire, and seal for 3 hours.
5. Whitefly 喷雾 Spray with 10% imidacloprid or 3% acetamiprid WP 1000-1500 times.
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