Due to advances in steelmaking technology, steel plants originally using pure nickel materials to smelt alloy steels and stainless steels have been converted to non-pure nickels from an economic point of view. Therefore, pyrometallurgical smelting develops rapidly. There are two smelting methods for pyrometallurgical processing of laterite nickel ore, one method is to use a blast furnace, and the other method is to reduce the smelting of nickel laterite by electric furnace. As blast furnace smelting is one of the earliest methods for nickel refining, this method has gradually been eliminated with the expansion of production scale, advancement of smelting technology, improvement of nickel-based raw material requirements of steel mills, and improvement of environmental protection requirements. Electric furnace smelting: (1) The bath temperature is easy to control, can reach a higher temperature, can handle raw materials containing more refractory substances, slag is easy to overheat, is conducive to the reduction of ferrosoferric oxide, slag contains less expensive metals (2) less furnace gas and lower dust content; (3) easy to control production, easy to operate, easy to implement mechanization and automation. Therefore, electric furnace smelting is a development trend.
Since the laterite nickel ore has a melting point between 1600 and 1700 K, the stability of the mineral oxides composing the lateritic nickel ore is: CaO>SiO2>Fe203>NiO. The stability of the oxide determines the reducibility of the element. Therefore, the lateritic nickel The order of reduction of each oxide in the ore in the reducing atmosphere is: NiO>Fe203>SiO2>CaO. In order to improve the quality of nickel-iron products, the nickel-iron smelting method of electric furnace adopts the principle of selective reduction, ie carbon-deficient operation: almost all nickel oxides are reduced to metal in the process of reduction and smelting in electric furnaces, but iron does not have to be completely reduced to metal iron. The degree of reduction of iron is adjusted by the amount of coke added to the reducing agent. Nickel has a relatively large proportion, which may cause the wall and the bottom of the furnace to be eroded or burned through during production (the production cycle is shorter than 1 month). Frequently, the product contains low nickel. Therefore, the key technologies for nickel-iron smelting in electric furnaces are: (1) prolong the furnace life, (2) reduce electrode accidents, and (3) increase the nickel content of products and nickel recovery.

Electric furnace nickel-iron smelting technical measures 1) The use of magnesia materials to build the furnace, in the construction process to be equipped with a good adhesive and control the dosage; when the beating, the thickness of each layer is 40-60mm, and hit with the wind Tightly, after the armpits have been beaten, they can lay a layer on the floor and dry the water during the drying process.
2) Use charcoal bricks to build the furnace, change the charcoal bricks to be laid horizontally, and drill in the middle of the charcoal bricks to connect them with a small graphite electrode. The brick seams should be filled with carbon materials, and they should be tightly closed with a pneumatic pick.
3) When constructing the furnace, there must be a certain height difference between the two tapping outlets. In the early stage of production, use high iron outlets. When the bottom of the furnace is eroded to a certain extent, use low iron outlets.
4) Control the amount of carbon and increase the secondary furnace voltage, control the depth of electrode insertion, and prevent bottom erosion.
5) Control the slag type, especially the FeO content in the slag, which not only affects the electrical conductivity of the slag, but also affects the melting point of the slag, ultimately affecting the nickel recovery rate.
6) Nickel ore needs to be dried and dehydrated in advance before the person's furnace. Control the amount of carbon and moisture during drying and preheating, which will help reduce the occurrence of slagging accidents. It is also beneficial to electrode accidents caused by slagging.
7) When the electrode is pressed and placed, it should be laid down with less, and carbon electrode or graphite electrode can also be used for conditions.
8) Strengthen smelting operations, diligently check and diligently adjust.

Solenoid Valve Armature Plunger

BRANDO is a Solenoid Valve armature plunger manufacturer and exporter in Ningbo, China, which has more than 10 years experience.

The armature assembly or anchor system is the very important component of solenoid valve. An internal stainless steel plunger moves up and down to seal on the top and bottom valve seats. Brando provides armatures in multiple sizes depending on the application's flow requirement. Four common pneumatic functions are available which include:

1. 2/2 normally closed(NC),
2. 3/2 normally closed(NC),
3. 2/2 normally open(NO),
4. 3/2 normally open(NO).

The seals in the plunger are NBR (standard), but FKM, HNBR, PTFE, EPDM are available for different media and temperatures. Most of our armatures are designed to accept AC and DC voltages. Some armatures are DC only for low watt applications.

Brando offers flexibility as the connection to the seat cavity can be with a thread/o-ring seal style or o-ring flange style that requires a mounting plate.

Solenoid Valve Armature Tube, Solenoid Valve Plunger Tube, Solenoid Valve Core Tube

NINGBO BRANDO HARDWARE CO.,LTD , https://www.brandopneumatic.com

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