Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, has always shown himself as a tough guy. However, in his upcoming Sun Valley mansion, we see a beautifully landscaped pond, a pool full of laughter and a cosy bedroom. ...... Tough Guy Bruce Willis Sells $15 Million in Luxury Homes Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, will sell a long-term luxury mansion in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, for a total price of $15 million. The mansion covers a total area of ​​8403 square feet. This mansion not only has a large size of 6 bedrooms, 6 and a half bathrooms, but also several small ponds and a pleasurable swimming pool with warm water slides and swings. Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, will sell a long-term luxury mansion in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, for a total price of $15 million. The mansion covers a total area of ​​8403 square feet. This mansion not only has a large size of 6 bedrooms, 6 and a half bathrooms, but also several small ponds and a pleasurable swimming pool with warm water slides and swings. Star home apartment renderings hallway bathroom beautiful small bedroom magnetic lighting system,recessed magnetic track lighting,led magnetic track light,magnetic rail light HSONG LIGHTING CO,. LTD ,
Hollywood movie star Bruce Willis sells luxury home at $15 million
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