Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, has always shown himself as a tough guy. However, in his upcoming Sun Valley mansion, we see a beautifully landscaped pond, a pool full of laughter and a cosy bedroom. ......

Tough Guy Bruce Willis Sells $15 Million in Luxury Homes

Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, will sell a long-term luxury mansion in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, for a total price of $15 million. The mansion covers a total area of ​​8403 square feet. This mansion not only has a large size of 6 bedrooms, 6 and a half bathrooms, but also several small ponds and a pleasurable swimming pool with warm water slides and swings.

Hollywood movie star Bruce Willis sells luxury home at $15 million

Bruce Willis, a 51-year-old Hollywood movie star, will sell a long-term luxury mansion in Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, for a total price of $15 million. The mansion covers a total area of ​​8403 square feet. This mansion not only has a large size of 6 bedrooms, 6 and a half bathrooms, but also several small ponds and a pleasurable swimming pool with warm water slides and swings.

Star home apartment renderings hallway bathroom beautiful small bedroom

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