Just like other home appliances, the refrigerator also has its unique feng shui effect. It continuously affects human health and indoor feng shui through electromagnetic light waves and other forms. Assisted or unlucky, sometimes it depends on whether you use it reasonably.

1. The refrigerator belongs to gold and people who prefer gold, it is better to put a large refrigerator at home. If you add another refrigerator in the hall, it is extremely gold behavior, and people with five elements and gold can ride on the horse; but if you avoid gold, you will be attracted to doom.

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2. Who is most beneficial to the refrigerator? The refrigerator is the good fortune of the five elements Xijin people. For the numerology Xijin people, the refrigerator is undoubtedly a good medicine for transportation. Every day, the task of opening the refrigerator is given to him, so that he can improve in the switch of the refrigerator. Your own fortune.

3. The kitchen is a hot place. Because of the fire, the refrigerator is placed in the kitchen to balance the fire of the kitchen. As another example, a family member Xijin can put the refrigerator in the direction where the member belongs. Specifically, if the male owner is happy, it can be placed in the northwest corner of the kitchen or hall. If the hostess likes gold, you can put it in the southwest corner

4. Where is the best place to put the refrigerator? In general households, for convenience of use, refrigerators are mostly placed in the kitchen. The kitchen is a hot place. The fire of the kitchen overwhelms the gold of the refrigerator. It unconsciously consumes the fire of the kitchen and weakens the fire of the kitchen, which is conducive to the balance of the five elements of the kitchen.

5. However, with the changes in the lifestyle of young people and the progress of the layout of the apartment, refrigerators will often appear in the dining room and living room. In this case, what is so particular about? Some people think that the refrigerator can be placed at the fierce position in the home, and use the refrigerator's cold and heavy to suppress the fierce star; some people think that the refrigerator cannot be placed in the fierce position, saying that the refrigerator operates 24 hours a day. To disturb the fierce star and stimulate it to wreak havoc is contradictory to the fact that the violent party should be quiet and unmovable in Feng Shui. Judging from years of practical experience, the so-called good or bad position in the home is not so absolute, but relative. Therefore, it cannot be absolutely said where the fierce position is, and it is definitely not suitable for the placement of the refrigerator. Instead, it should be combined with the specific situation at home and the numerology and taboos of the family. This can find the most suitable location for the refrigerator in the home.

6. How to choose the color of the refrigerator? Refrigerators are necessary in life and cannot be separated, but sometimes they are indeed tabooed by the owner's numerology, so what should I do? The color of the refrigerator can alleviate the influence of the refrigerator on the owner's numerology to a certain extent, and it can also strengthen the auxiliary operation of the Xijin owner. The corresponding relationship between the color and the five elements is: gold: white, milky white series; wood: green, blue, green series; water: black, blue series; fire: red, purple series; soil: yellow, earth yellow series. Therefore, people who avoid gold can choose the red and purple series of the five elements of gold, or the green series of the color of the five elements of wood to weaken the gold of the refrigerator, thereby reducing the adverse impact on the owner's fortune. For numerology and Xijin people, you can choose the white and milky white colors of the five-element gold series, and the yellow and earth-yellow series of the five-element soil. Using native gold to strengthen the refrigerator's role in promoting the owner's fortune.

7. The refrigerator cannot be empty. The refrigerator is closely related to the family's diet. The food in the refrigerator is sufficient to mean that there is no worry about clothing and food; and the empty refrigerator has a bad inducement of poor economic conditions. So always keep the refrigerator in sufficient condition.

8. Clean the refrigerator regularly. Refrigerators on feng shui are also related to the wealth of the family. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the refrigerator regularly and keep the refrigerator clean to better promote the wealth of the family.

9. The refrigerator should not be opposite to the door. Regardless of whether the refrigerator is placed in the kitchen, dining room, or living room, try to avoid the situation opposite the door, otherwise the airflow conflict will easily cause unstable financial and financial conditions, and even have the worry of ruining money.

10. Do not place other electrical appliances on the refrigerator. In order to save space, some friends put small appliances such as microwave ovens, ovens, juicers, and soy milk machines on the refrigerator. This situation is very bad, and let alone a scientific explanation, it comes from the perspective of Feng Shui. In other words, the electromagnetic waves and other air currents emitted by various electrical appliances will stir the surrounding gas field, which will adversely affect the health of the owner.

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