Since the appearance of the trademark, it has brought high profits to the company. The trademark brand is an important manifestation of the competitiveness of the company. Trademarks protect the trademark registrant by legal protection by ensuring that the trademark registrant has the exclusive right to mark the goods or services or to authorize others to use it to obtain remuneration. Bath Tub Screens,Bathtub Screen,Swing Bathtub Screen,Sliding Tub Screen Zhongshan Jianjie Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd ,
With the sudden emergence of private Hardware companies, trademarks and brands have become an important factor in the development of hardware companies. In recent years, incidents that caused disputes due to trademarks have occurred from time to time. Such as opening up by the Chilean businessmen registered trademarks, Yantai Greenwood tool encountered Hongtai tools infringement.
As we all know, the "smile curve" is a brand service at one end and technology and patents at one end. Although some hardware companies are getting bigger and bigger, they are sold at home and abroad, but they do not have their own brands. Most hardware companies are at the lowest end of the industry chain. They can only rely on assembly and processing to earn meager profits, and their added value is low. With few products and low profits, how should hardware companies work hard on trademarks and brand building and occupy the high end of the industry chain?
From the point of view of business survival, we must first solve the "licensed" and "unlicensed" issues. Second, gradually solve the problem of whether there are "famous trademarks" and whether there are "Chinese well-known trademarks." When registering a trademark, companies should also fully inject design elements into an easily identifiable and easily promoted trademark, which will help companies compete in the market. In addition, hardware companies must also strengthen the management of trademarks and establish a strategy to make brands bigger and stronger.
Frequent infringement incidents have alarmed hardware companies and companies should begin to attach importance to trademark protection and trademark trading. And through the promotion of technological advancement, improvement of business governance, and improvement of product quality, the trademark brand is given more reputation.