The elevator is an electric motor-powered vertical lift with a box-shaped pod for multi-storey buildings to take passengers or carry cargo. There is also a step type, and the tread plate is continuously operated on the crawler belt, which is commonly called an automatic elevator. A fixed lifting device that serves the specified floor. It has a car that runs between at least two columns of rigid rails that are perpendicular or have a tilt angle of less than 15°. The size and structure of the car allows passengers to access or load cargo. English translation: elevator (usually used by the business); lift; moving staircase. The inclined escalator is called an escalator. The elevator is a power-driven lifting device with a special load-carrying car along a constant vertical guide rail, which is intermittently moving between different horizontal planes. It is customary to use the elevator as a building regardless of its driving mode. The general term for vertical transportation vehicles within the object. In recent years, with the international community's concern about environmental protection, major elevator companies are now using powder coatings on their elevator surfaces. This is a new environmentally friendly solvent-free coating with superior performance over paint. . UV+3000k+6500k+660nm Red+IR 730nm~Truly Full Spectrum Grow Lights. And the spectrum can be customized according to the growers plants type. 1000W LED Grow Light with high Purity 6063 Aluminum~Great Heat Dissipation~40% E-Power Bill Saved. No Noise Disturb Full Waterproof Grow Light. The Full Spectrum LED Grow Light spread out evenly for all directions+ Uniform Coverage+ Biggest Footprint+High Yield. MixLux Grow System provides not only LED Grow Light for growers and farmers but also for local dealer, disrtibulter and agent. MixLux mainly do OEM and ODM. MixLux can provide you an optiomal LED Grow Lighting Solution with spectrum plan and lighting plan, using CalculuX&Dialux Full Spectrum Led Grow Light,Medical Grow Lights,Bar Grow Light,Led Grow Light 1000W Shenzhen MixLux Technology Co., Ltd ,